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Courageous Living Begins Here 

Are you ready to take the leap? 

Welcome ! I'm Megan :)

Transformational Life Coach & Spiritual Advisor

You, yes you, deserve to feel worthy of a life

that is true to who you really are.

Have you asked yourself lately what that looks like?

Can you imagine a life lived with no regrets?

A life where you choose to lead with love and allow the strength of your courage to conquer any fears, doubts or feelings of unworthiness.

Can you imagine a life of effortless abundance that is fueled by passion, inspiration and joy?

You are capable of having all of this and more.

Having had the privilege of finding all of the above in my own life, I’ve made it my mission to help you navigate the journey to your own extraordinary life.


What I Specialize In

Shifting your perspective by raising your awareness and removing the need for anyones approval but your own 

Helping you clarify and identify your own unique path to a joyful life  

Creating a safe space to allow for healing, release, and the rediscovery of loving yourself exactly as you are 

Empowering you to reach and unleash your highest potential 

Helping you to identify and tame the inner gremlins or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from who you really want to be 

Outdoor Meditation



“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
-Marianne Williamson

Are you ready discover the extraordinary light within you?

Client Love 

"Working with Megan inspired me to aim high in life and to always hold myself to a higher standard. Her passion and enthusiasm encouraged me to take stock each day and live in the moment, always ensuring to put my best foot forward"

- Marsha Komperda

"Megan is truly a wonderful healer. She's turned me from a skeptic to believer in Reiki. After each session one common outcome is the feeling of relief and calmness. She's a great listener, patient and really helpful. She really takes her time to help me understand [my healing journey]. Now, whenever I feel any type of pain she is my first stop for treatment. It's worth investing in yourself. I highly recommend it."

- Erica Trong

"Megan is like a professional best friend. She is exceptional at being vulnerable and sharing in an experience with you. You feel so safe and loved that you can't help but want to discover yourself through her."

- D.N

"Megan is a caring and understanding life coach. She provides a safe and judgement-free space for you to discuss your issues. Providing applicable, goal-oriented lessons, Megan has helped me increase my self-love and further realize the power I have within:"

- Shonna Skerrett

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