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Meet Megan

Transformational Life Coach & Spiritual Advisor

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a deep knowing that my mission is to help others. Over the last two decades, I’ve dedicated my time to exploring and understanding what this inner calling was asking of me and how I could best be of service to this world. Life really wanted to ensure I was well prepared to help, so it threw all types of experiences my way; from sexual abuse, depression, addiction, toxic relationships to body dysmorphia, eating disorders and years of self sabotage and self hatred.


Though sometimes they did, I refused to let these experiences run my life or define who I was. I continually searched for answers by reading numerous books, attending countless seminars, working with various coaches, traveling all over the world to every meditation retreat and spiritual ceremony I could find, only to discover that the answer was inside me all along.


With the help of loves ones, coaches and mentors, over the last three years I’ve finally been able to piece together my entire life’s journey and solidify my soul’s true purpose. By staying determined and never giving up on my mission, I have learned how to create a truly extraordinary life experience that allows my most authentic self to shine. Something I would now like to help you create in your life :)


I firmly believe that everyone deserves to live up to their highest potential and be entirely present so that they can take full advantage of everything that life has to offer them. By combining the tools I’ve learned from the scientific and self development communities with my holistic healing knowledge as a certified Reiki Master, I’m committed to helping you see what a superb human being you are. Together, we will discover the best way to empower you so that you can create the life you know you deserve. For all of those souls who have given up, lost hope, or believe that they will never overcome the fears and blockages that consume them, I’m glad so you have found us.


Your journey begins here.

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