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  • Why do I need a coach?
    You have everything within you to create the life that you want. However, often we become lost in old habits and limiting beliefs, doing the same thing the same way and getting the same results. Becoming stuck in loops we dont even realize and we have no idea how to break the cycles. A coach is simply a guide, a professional best friend if you will who has experienced/conquered alot of what you are struggling with. By sharing their experience, knowledge and tools you're able to break cycles before you know it :) Most importantly, coaches are able to see the best in you and hold that vision for you until you can see the best in yourself.
  • How can I best prepare for my appointments?
    Purchasing a coaching session is an investment in yourself. Taking some time to prepare yourself before each session is vital to getting the most our of your investment. Getting a good nights sleep, ensuring you have nourished yourself well that day, and taking some time to reflect on what it is you would like to work on is key for us to make the most of our time together. I can only help you as much as you're willing to help yourself.
  • How do I know when Im ready for a coach?
    1. You are ready to make change. 2. You have a vision for where you would like to go and are open to learning more about how to get there. 3. You are ready to commit and invest the time, energy and resources necessary to begin this journey.
  • Can I gift a session to my friend?
    Helping the ones you love is what it is all about <3. However, in my experience the most impactful change is usually made when a client is willing to have some of their own skin in the game. For example, I offer you a free one time class next Friday and it will change your whole life! You're super excited and so gung ho about coming to this awesome class. But then your friend invites you to this super exclusive one day only clothing sale by all your favourite brands on the same day as my class. You still coming to my free class? Probably not. Now if, I charged you $100 for this life changing class are you less likely to cancel for a super exclusive one day only clothing sale? Probably, cause you have something to lose if you do not come (a.k.a some skin in the game). This example works the same for gifting to your friends. When they have to give something up it is more likely they will follow through with the commitment to the session. But Megan I really want to help my friend! You are free to do whatever you would like :) I highly encourage you to send your friend to my blog posts and youtube vidoes to see if they resonate with what I have to offer. Then maybe after that you can discuss gifting sessions.
  • What is energy healing anyway? How does it work?
    Energy healing is a holistic practice where healers channel universal life force (or healing energy) into a patient to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body. Our bodies are made up of a gazillion (my made up term cause i dont know what to call the actual number :)) molecules that are made up of specific collections of atoms. Atoms have negative and or positive charges. Therefore all of them combined create energy fields around everything. Energy blocks can impede innate flow of energy, causing not only health problems, but also negative life circumstances like financial troubles or relationship problems. Reiki practitioners focus on sensing energy blocks and moving the energy for the greatest good of the client.
  • How do I know you are the right coach for me?
    Trust your intuition it will never lead you astray. I encourage you to read my bio and company mission. If my experience resonates with you or ignites something within you. You are likely on the right path :)
  • What can I expect when I work with you?
    We will work together to help you develop a thorough awareness of all aspects of yourself, the good stuff and the "bad" stuff. We will identify areas of joy we can nurture and strengthen while breaking down the power of your current limiting beliefs and energetic blockages. I am not here to change your life. I'm simply here to guide and empower you as you remember you are completely capable of changing your own life.
  • What if I cannot afford coaching right now?
    There will be loads of free free resources/articles you can find on my blog and youtube channel :) Coming Soon!
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